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Create distributions (archives) from build artifacts and resources.


Bases: ABC

Base class to write an archive file.

Source code in kraken/std/
class ArchiveWriter(abc.ABC):
    """Base class to write an archive file."""

    def add_file(self, arcname: str, path: Path) -> None:
        """Add a file to the archive."""

    def close(self) -> None:

    def add_path(self, arcname: str, path: Path) -> None:
        """Recursively add the contents of all files under *path*."""

        if path.is_dir():
            for item in path.iterdir():
                self.add_path(arcname + "/" +, item)
            self.add_file(arcname, path)

    def __enter__(self) -> ArchiveWriter:
        return self

    def __exit__(self, *a: Any) -> None:
add_file abstractmethod
add_file(arcname: str, path: Path) -> None

Add a file to the archive.

Source code in kraken/std/
def add_file(self, arcname: str, path: Path) -> None:
    """Add a file to the archive."""
add_path(arcname: str, path: Path) -> None

Recursively add the contents of all files under path.

Source code in kraken/std/
def add_path(self, arcname: str, path: Path) -> None:
    """Recursively add the contents of all files under *path*."""

    if path.is_dir():
        for item in path.iterdir():
            self.add_path(arcname + "/" +, item)
        self.add_file(arcname, path)


Bases: Task

Create an archive from a set of files and resources.

Source code in kraken/std/
class DistributionTask(Task):
    """Create an archive from a set of files and resources."""

    #: The output filename. If a string is specified, that string is treated relative
    #: to the project output directory. A Path object is treated relative to the project
    #: directory. Unless the :attr:`archive_type` property is set, the suffix will determine
    #: the type of archive that is created.
    output_file: Property[Path]

    #: The type of archive that will be created. Can be zip, tgz and tar.
    archive_type: Property[str]

    #: Prefix to add to all files added to the distribution.
    prefix: Property[str]

    #: A list of resources to include.
    resources: Property[list[ConfiguredResource]] = Property.default_factory(list)

    #: A resource that describes the output file.
    _output_file_resource: Property[Resource] = Property.output()

    def __init__(self, name: str, project: Project) -> None:
        super().__init__(name, project)
        self._output_file_resource.set( p: Resource("dist", p)))

    # Task

    def execute(self) -> None:
        output_file = self.output_file.get()
        archive_type = self.archive_type.get_or(None)
        if archive_type is None:
            archive_type = output_file.suffix.lstrip(".")
            archive_type = {"tgz": "tar.gz", "txz": "tar.xz", "tbz2": "tar.bz2"}.get(archive_type, archive_type)
        assert isinstance(archive_type, str)

        print("Writing archive", colored(str(output_file), "yellow"))
        output_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        with wopen_archive(output_file, archive_type) as archive:
            for resource in self.resources.get():
                arcname = resource.options.arcname
                if arcname is None:
                    arcname = str(resource.path.relative_to(
                    "  +",
                    colored(arcname or ".", "green"),
                    f"({resource.path})" if arcname != str(resource.path) else "",
           / resource.path,


    writer: ArchiveWriter,
    arcname: str,
    path: Path,
    test_path: Path | None = None,
    exclude: Sequence[str] = (),
    include: Sequence[str] | None = None,
) -> None

Recursively adds path to the archive writer under consideration of the exclude and include glob patterns that are tested against test_path.

The glob patterns for the exclude and include arguments are tested against the full relative test_path as well as the individual filename. (NOTE(niklas.rosenstein): To support full .gitignore like behaviour, we'd need to test the entire range from name to full path).

:param writer: The archive writer implementation. :param arcname: The name to give path. Sub-paths are appended to this name as normal. :param path: The path to write to the archive. :param test_path: The path to test the exclude/include patterns against. Sub-paths are appended to this as normal. Defaults to path. :param exclude: A sequence of glob patterns that, if matching, cause an element (file or directory) to be excluded. :param include: If specified, must be a sequence of glob patterns that will cause a file or directory to only be added if any pattern matches, and no exclude pattern matches.

Source code in kraken/std/
def add_to_archive(
    writer: ArchiveWriter,
    arcname: str,
    path: Path,
    test_path: Path | None = None,
    exclude: Sequence[str] = (),
    include: Sequence[str] | None = None,
) -> None:
    """Recursively adds *path* to the archive *writer* under consideration of the *exclude* and *include* glob
    patterns that are tested against *test_path*.

    The glob patterns for the *exclude* and *include* arguments are tested against the full relative *test_path*
    as well as the individual filename. (NOTE(niklas.rosenstein): To support full .gitignore like behaviour, we'd
    need to test the entire range from name to full path).

    :param writer: The archive writer implementation.
    :param arcname: The name to give *path*. Sub-paths are appended to this name as normal.
    :param path: The path to write to the archive.
    :param test_path: The path to test the exclude/include patterns against. Sub-paths are appended to this as normal.
        Defaults to *path*.
    :param exclude: A sequence of glob patterns that, if matching, cause an element (file or directory) to be excluded.
    :param include: If specified, must be a sequence of glob patterns that will cause a file or directory to only be
        added if any pattern matches, and no *exclude* pattern matches.

    test_path = test_path or path
    s_test_path = str(test_path)

    if any(fnmatch(s_test_path, x) or fnmatch(, x) for x in exclude):
    if include is not None and not any(fnmatch(s_test_path, x) or fnmatch(, x) for x in include):

    if path.is_dir():
        for item in path.iterdir():
            add_to_archive(writer, arcname + "/" +, item, test_path /, exclude, include)
        writer.add_file(arcname, path)


    name: str,
    dependencies: (
        Sequence[str | Task]
        | Mapping[
            str, Mapping[str, Any] | IndividualDistOptions
    output_file: str | Path,
    archive_type: str | None = None,
    prefix: str | None = None,
    project: Project | None = None
) -> DistributionTask

Create a task that produces a distribution from the resources provided by the tasks specified with include.

:param name: The name of the task. :param dependencies: A list of tasks or task selectors (resolved relative to the project) that provide the resources that should be included in the generated archive. If a dictionary is specified, instead, it must map each dependency to a dictionary of settings that can be deserialized into :class:IndividualDistOptions. :param output_file: The output filename to write to. If a string is specified, it will be treated relative to the project build directory. If a path object is specified, it will be treated relative to the project directory. :param archive_type: The type of archive to create (e.g. zip, tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2 or tar.xz). If left empty, the archive type is derived from the output_filename suffix. :param project: The project to create the task for.

Source code in kraken/std/
def dist(
    name: str,
    dependencies: Sequence[str | Task] | Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Any] | IndividualDistOptions],
    output_file: str | Path,
    archive_type: str | None = None,
    prefix: str | None = None,
    project: Project | None = None,
) -> DistributionTask:
    """Create a task that produces a distribution from the resources provided by the tasks specified with *include*.

    :param name: The name of the task.
    :param dependencies: A list of tasks or task selectors (resolved relative to the *project*) that provide the
        resources that should be included in the generated archive. If a dictionary is specified, instead, it must
        map each dependency to a dictionary of settings that can be deserialized into :class:`IndividualDistOptions`.
    :param output_file: The output filename to write to. If a string is specified, it will be treated relative to the
        project build directory. If a path object is specified, it will be treated relative to the project directory.
    :param archive_type: The type of archive to create (e.g. `zip`, `tar`, `tar.gz`, `tar.bz2` or `tar.xz`). If left
        empty, the archive type is derived from the *output_filename* suffix.
    :param project: The project to create the task for.

    project = project or Project.current()

    if isinstance(output_file, str):
        output_file = project.build_directory / output_file
        output_file = / output_file

    if isinstance(dependencies, Sequence):
        dependencies = cast(
            Mapping[str, Union[Mapping[str, Any], IndividualDistOptions]], {d: {} for d in dependencies}
    dependencies_map = {
        k: databind.json.load(v, IndividualDistOptions) if not isinstance(v, IndividualDistOptions) else v
        for k, v in dependencies.items()
    dependencies_set = project.resolve_tasks(dependencies_map)

    # This associates the IndividualDistOptions specified in *dependencies* to the Resource(s)
    # provided by the task(s).
    resources = (
            lambda resources: get_configured_resources(

    dist_task = project.task(name, DistributionTask)
    dist_task.resources = resources
    dist_task.output_file = output_file
    dist_task.archive_type = archive_type
    dist_task.prefix = prefix
    return dist_task


wopen_archive(path: Path, type_: str) -> ArchiveWriter

Open an archive at path for writing. The type_ indicates what type of archive will be created. Accepted values for type_ are zip, tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2 and tar.xz.

Source code in kraken/std/
def wopen_archive(path: Path, type_: str) -> ArchiveWriter:
    """Open an archive at *path* for writing. The *type_* indicates what type of archive will be created.
    Accepted values for *type_* are `zip`, `tar`, `tar.gz`, `tar.bz2` and `tar.xz`."""

    if type_.startswith("tar."):
        return TarArchiveWriter(path, cast(Any, type_.partition(".")[-1]))
    elif type_ == "tar":
        return TarArchiveWriter(path, "")
    elif type_ == "zip":
        return ZipArchiveWriter(path)
        raise ValueError(f"unsupported archive type: {type_!r}")