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Bases: EnvironmentAwareDispatchTask

A task to run the black formatter to either check for necessary changes or apply changes.

Source code in kraken/std/python/tasks/
class BlackTask(EnvironmentAwareDispatchTask):
    """A task to run the `black` formatter to either check for necessary changes or apply changes."""

    python_dependencies = ["black"]

    black_bin: Property[str] = Property.default("black")
    check_only: Property[bool] = Property.default(False)
    config_file: Property[Path]
    additional_args: Property[Sequence[str]] = Property.default_factory(list)
    additional_files: Property[Sequence[Path]] = Property.default_factory(list)

    # EnvironmentAwareDispatchTask

    def get_execute_command(self) -> list[str]:
        command = [self.black_bin.get(), str(self.settings.source_directory)]
        command += self.settings.get_tests_directory_as_args()
        command += [str(directory) for directory in self.settings.lint_enforced_directories]
        command += [str(p) for p in self.additional_files.get()]
        if self.check_only.get():
            command += ["--check", "--diff"]
        if self.config_file.is_filled():
            command += ["--config", str(self.config_file.get().absolute())]
        command += self.additional_args.get()
        return command

    # Task

    def get_description(self) -> str | None:
        if self.check_only.get():
            return "Check Python source files formatting with Black."
            return "Format Python source files with Black."


Bases: EnvironmentAwareDispatchTask

Lint Python source files with Flake8.

Source code in kraken/std/python/tasks/
class Flake8Task(EnvironmentAwareDispatchTask):
    Lint Python source files with Flake8.

    description = "Lint Python source files with Flake8."
    python_dependencies = ["flake8"]

    flake8_bin: Property[str] = Property.default("flake8")
    config_file: Property[Path]
    additional_args: Property[list[str]] = Property.default_factory(list)

    # EnvironmentAwareDispatchTask

    def get_execute_command(self) -> list[str]:
        command = [
        ] + self.settings.get_tests_directory_as_args()
        command += [str(directory) for directory in self.settings.lint_enforced_directories]
        if self.config_file.is_filled():
            command += ["--config", str(self.config_file.get().absolute())]
        command += self.additional_args.get()
        return command


Bases: Task

Source code in kraken/std/python/tasks/
class InfoTask(Task):
    build_system: Property[PythonBuildSystem]

    def get_description(self) -> str:
        return "Displays metadata about the Kraken-managed environment."

    def execute(self) -> TaskStatus:
        """Displays metadata about the Kraken-managed environment."""
        python_path = self.get_python_path()
        virtual_env_path = self.get_virtual_env_path()
            version = self.get_python_version()
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error:
            return TaskStatus.failed(f"Error while getting the version of the current Python interpreter: {error}")

            colored(f" ---------- {self.build_system.get().name}-managed environment information ----------", "magenta")
        print(colored("Python version:           ", "cyan"), colored(f"{version.strip()}", "blue"))
        print(colored("Python path:              ", "cyan"), colored(f"{python_path}", "blue"))
        print(colored("Virtual environment path: ", "cyan"), colored(f"{virtual_env_path}", "blue"))
        print(colored(" ------------------------------------------------------------", "magenta"))

        return TaskStatus.succeeded()

    def get_virtual_env_path(self) -> Path:
        Returns the current virtual environment path
        return self.build_system.get().get_managed_environment().get_path()

    def get_python_path(self) -> Path:
        """Returns the path of the Python interpreter of the Kraken-managed environment."""
        return self.get_virtual_env_path() / "bin" / "python"

    def get_python_version(self) -> str:
        """Returns the version of the Python interpreter of the Kraken-managed environment."""
            [self.get_python_path(), "--version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False, check=True
execute() -> TaskStatus

Displays metadata about the Kraken-managed environment.

Source code in kraken/std/python/tasks/
def execute(self) -> TaskStatus:
    """Displays metadata about the Kraken-managed environment."""
    python_path = self.get_python_path()
    virtual_env_path = self.get_virtual_env_path()
        version = self.get_python_version()
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error:
        return TaskStatus.failed(f"Error while getting the version of the current Python interpreter: {error}")

        colored(f" ---------- {self.build_system.get().name}-managed environment information ----------", "magenta")
    print(colored("Python version:           ", "cyan"), colored(f"{version.strip()}", "blue"))
    print(colored("Python path:              ", "cyan"), colored(f"{python_path}", "blue"))
    print(colored("Virtual environment path: ", "cyan"), colored(f"{virtual_env_path}", "blue"))
    print(colored(" ------------------------------------------------------------", "magenta"))

    return TaskStatus.succeeded()
get_python_path() -> Path

Returns the path of the Python interpreter of the Kraken-managed environment.

Source code in kraken/std/python/tasks/
def get_python_path(self) -> Path:
    """Returns the path of the Python interpreter of the Kraken-managed environment."""
    return self.get_virtual_env_path() / "bin" / "python"
get_python_version() -> str

Returns the version of the Python interpreter of the Kraken-managed environment.

Source code in kraken/std/python/tasks/
def get_python_version(self) -> str:
    """Returns the version of the Python interpreter of the Kraken-managed environment."""
        [self.get_python_path(), "--version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False, check=True
get_virtual_env_path() -> Path

Returns the current virtual environment path

Source code in kraken/std/python/tasks/
def get_virtual_env_path(self) -> Path:
    Returns the current virtual environment path
    return self.build_system.get().get_managed_environment().get_path()


Bases: Task

Publishes Python distributions to one or more indexes using :mod:twine.

Source code in kraken/std/python/tasks/
class PublishTask(Task):
    """Publishes Python distributions to one or more indexes using :mod:`twine`."""

    description = "Upload the distributions of your Python project. [index url: %(index_upload_url)s]"
    twine_bin: Property[Path]
    index_upload_url: Property[str]
    index_credentials: Property[tuple[str, str] | None] = Property.default(None)
    distributions: Property[list[Path]]
    skip_existing: Property[bool] = Property.default(False)
    interactive: Property[bool] = Property.default(True)
    dependencies: list[Task]

    def __init__(self, name: str, project: Project) -> None:
        super().__init__(name, project)
        self.dependencies = []

    def get_relationships(self) -> Iterable[TaskRelationship]:
        yield from (TaskRelationship(task, True, False) for task in self.dependencies)
        yield from super().get_relationships()

    def execute(self) -> TaskStatus:
        credentials = self.index_credentials.get()
        repository_url = self.index_upload_url.get().rstrip("/") + "/"
        command = [
            *[str(x.absolute()) for x in self.distributions.get()],
        if credentials:
            command += [
        if not self.interactive.get():
        if self.skip_existing.get():

        safe_command = [x.replace(credentials[1], "MASKED") for x in command] if credentials else command"$ %s", safe_command)

        returncode =,
        return TaskStatus.from_exit_code(safe_command, returncode)


Bases: EnvironmentAwareDispatchTask

A task to run the pycln formatter to either check for necessary changes or apply changes.

Source code in kraken/std/python/tasks/
class PyclnTask(EnvironmentAwareDispatchTask):
    """A task to run the `pycln` formatter to either check for necessary changes or apply changes."""

    python_dependencies = ["pycln"]

    pycln_bin: Property[str] = Property.default("pycln")
    check_only: Property[bool] = Property.default(False)
    config_file: Property[Path]
    additional_args: Property[list[str]] = Property.default_factory(list)
    additional_files: Property[list[Path]] = Property.default_factory(list)

    # EnvironmentAwareDispatchTask

    def get_execute_command(self) -> list[str]:
        command = [self.pycln_bin.get(), str(self.settings.source_directory)]
        command += self.settings.get_tests_directory_as_args()
        command += [str(directory) for directory in self.settings.lint_enforced_directories]
        command += [str(p) for p in self.additional_files.get()]
        if self.check_only.get():
            command += ["--check", "--diff"]
        if self.config_file.is_filled():
            command += ["--config", str(self.config_file.get().absolute())]
        command += self.additional_args.get()
        return command

    def get_description(self) -> str:
        if self.check_only.get():
            return "Check Python imports with Pycln."
            return "Remove unused Python imports with Pycln."

PythonSettings dataclass

Project-global settings for Python tasks.

Source code in kraken/std/python/
class PythonSettings:
    """Project-global settings for Python tasks."""

    class _PackageIndex(PackageIndex):
        Extends the #PackageIndex with additional fields we need for Python package indexes at runtime in Kraken.

        #: An alternative URL to upload packages to.
        upload_url: str | None

        #: Credentials to use when publishing to or reading from the index.
        credentials: tuple[str, str] | None

        #: Whether this index should be used to source packages from.
        is_package_source: bool

        #: Whether this index should be used to publish packages to.
        publish: bool

    project: Project
    build_system: PythonBuildSystem | None = None
    source_directory: Path = Path("src")
    tests_directory: Path | None = None
    lint_enforced_directories: list[Path] = field(default_factory=list)
    package_indexes: dict[str, _PackageIndex] = field(default_factory=dict)
    always_use_managed_env: bool = True
    skip_install_if_venv_exists: bool = True

    def get_tests_directory(self) -> Path | None:
        """Returns :attr:`tests_directory` if it is set. If not, it will look for the following directories and
        return the first that exists: `test/`, `tests/`, `src/test/`, `src/tests/`. The determined path will be
        relative to the project directory."""

        if self.tests_directory and self.tests_directory.is_dir():
            return self.tests_directory
        for test_dir in map(Path, ["test", "tests", "src/test", "src/tests"]):
            if ( / test_dir).is_dir():
                return test_dir
        return None

    def get_tests_directory_as_args(self) -> list[str]:
        """Returns a list with a single item that is the test directory, or an empty list. This is convenient
        when constructing command-line arguments where you want to pass the test directory if it exists."""

        test_dir = self.get_tests_directory()
        return [] if test_dir is None else [str(test_dir)]

    def get_default_package_index(self) -> _PackageIndex | None:
        return next(
                for index in self.package_indexes.values()
                if index.priority.value == PackageIndex.Priority.default.value

    def add_package_index(
        alias: str,
        index_url: str | None = None,
        upload_url: str | None = None,
        credentials: tuple[str, str] | None = None,
        is_package_source: bool = True,
        priority: PackageIndex.Priority | str = PackageIndex.Priority.supplemental,
        publish: bool = False,
    ) -> PythonSettings:
        """Adds an index to consume Python packages from or publish packages to.

        :param alias: An alias for the package index.
        :param index_url: The URL of the package index (with the trailing `/simple` bit if applicable).
            If not specified, *alias* must be a known package index (`pypi` or `testpypi`).
        :param upload_url: If the upload url deviates from the registry URL. Otherwise, the upload URL will
            be the same as the *url*,
        :param credentials: Optional credentials to read from the index.
        :param is_package_source: If set to `False`, the index will not be used to source packages from, but
            can be used to publish to.
        :param publish: Whether publishing to this index should be enabled.

        if isinstance(priority, str):
            priority = PackageIndex.Priority[priority]

        if priority == PackageIndex.Priority.default:
            defidx = self.get_default_package_index()
            if defidx is not None and defidx.alias != alias:
                raise ValueError(f"cannot add another default index (got: {defidx.alias!r}, trying to add: {alias!r})")

        if index_url is None:
            if alias == "pypi":
                index_url = ""
            elif alias == "testpypi":
                index_url = ""
                raise ValueError(f"cannot derive index URL for alias {alias!r}")
        if upload_url is None:
            if alias == "pypi":
                upload_url = ""
            elif alias == "testpypi":
                upload_url = ""
            elif index_url.endswith("/simple"):
                upload_url = index_url[: -len("/simple")]
                raise ValueError(f"cannot derive upload URL for alias {alias!r} and index URL {index_url!r}")

        self.package_indexes[alias] = self._PackageIndex(
        return self

    def get_primary_index(self) -> _PackageIndex | None:
        default: PythonSettings._PackageIndex | None = None
        for idx in self.package_indexes.values():
            if idx.priority == PackageIndex.Priority.primary:
                return idx
            if idx.priority == PackageIndex.Priority.default:
                default = idx
        return default
    alias: str,
    index_url: str | None = None,
    upload_url: str | None = None,
    credentials: tuple[str, str] | None = None,
    is_package_source: bool = True,
    priority: (
        Priority | str
    ) = PackageIndex.Priority.supplemental,
    publish: bool = False
) -> PythonSettings

Adds an index to consume Python packages from or publish packages to.

:param alias: An alias for the package index. :param index_url: The URL of the package index (with the trailing /simple bit if applicable). If not specified, alias must be a known package index (pypi or testpypi). :param upload_url: If the upload url deviates from the registry URL. Otherwise, the upload URL will be the same as the url, :param credentials: Optional credentials to read from the index. :param is_package_source: If set to False, the index will not be used to source packages from, but can be used to publish to. :param publish: Whether publishing to this index should be enabled.

Source code in kraken/std/python/
def add_package_index(
    alias: str,
    index_url: str | None = None,
    upload_url: str | None = None,
    credentials: tuple[str, str] | None = None,
    is_package_source: bool = True,
    priority: PackageIndex.Priority | str = PackageIndex.Priority.supplemental,
    publish: bool = False,
) -> PythonSettings:
    """Adds an index to consume Python packages from or publish packages to.

    :param alias: An alias for the package index.
    :param index_url: The URL of the package index (with the trailing `/simple` bit if applicable).
        If not specified, *alias* must be a known package index (`pypi` or `testpypi`).
    :param upload_url: If the upload url deviates from the registry URL. Otherwise, the upload URL will
        be the same as the *url*,
    :param credentials: Optional credentials to read from the index.
    :param is_package_source: If set to `False`, the index will not be used to source packages from, but
        can be used to publish to.
    :param publish: Whether publishing to this index should be enabled.

    if isinstance(priority, str):
        priority = PackageIndex.Priority[priority]

    if priority == PackageIndex.Priority.default:
        defidx = self.get_default_package_index()
        if defidx is not None and defidx.alias != alias:
            raise ValueError(f"cannot add another default index (got: {defidx.alias!r}, trying to add: {alias!r})")

    if index_url is None:
        if alias == "pypi":
            index_url = ""
        elif alias == "testpypi":
            index_url = ""
            raise ValueError(f"cannot derive index URL for alias {alias!r}")
    if upload_url is None:
        if alias == "pypi":
            upload_url = ""
        elif alias == "testpypi":
            upload_url = ""
        elif index_url.endswith("/simple"):
            upload_url = index_url[: -len("/simple")]
            raise ValueError(f"cannot derive upload URL for alias {alias!r} and index URL {index_url!r}")

    self.package_indexes[alias] = self._PackageIndex(
    return self
get_tests_directory() -> Path | None

Returns :attr:tests_directory if it is set. If not, it will look for the following directories and return the first that exists: test/, tests/, src/test/, src/tests/. The determined path will be relative to the project directory.

Source code in kraken/std/python/
def get_tests_directory(self) -> Path | None:
    """Returns :attr:`tests_directory` if it is set. If not, it will look for the following directories and
    return the first that exists: `test/`, `tests/`, `src/test/`, `src/tests/`. The determined path will be
    relative to the project directory."""

    if self.tests_directory and self.tests_directory.is_dir():
        return self.tests_directory
    for test_dir in map(Path, ["test", "tests", "src/test", "src/tests"]):
        if ( / test_dir).is_dir():
            return test_dir
    return None
get_tests_directory_as_args() -> list[str]

Returns a list with a single item that is the test directory, or an empty list. This is convenient when constructing command-line arguments where you want to pass the test directory if it exists.

Source code in kraken/std/python/
def get_tests_directory_as_args(self) -> list[str]:
    """Returns a list with a single item that is the test directory, or an empty list. This is convenient
    when constructing command-line arguments where you want to pass the test directory if it exists."""

    test_dir = self.get_tests_directory()
    return [] if test_dir is None else [str(test_dir)]


    name: str = "",
    project: Project | None = None,
    config_file: Path | Supplier[Path] | None = None,
    additional_args: (
        Sequence[str] | Supplier[Sequence[str]]
    ) = (),
    additional_files: (
        Sequence[Path] | Supplier[Sequence[Path]]
    ) = (),
    version_spec: str | None = None
) -> BlackTasks

Creates two black tasks, one to check and another to format. The check task will be grouped under "lint" whereas the format task will be grouped under "fmt".

:param version_spec: If specified, the Black tool will be installed as a PEX and does not need to be installed into the Python project's virtual env.

Source code in kraken/std/python/tasks/
def black(
    name: str = "",
    project: Project | None = None,
    config_file: Path | Supplier[Path] | None = None,
    additional_args: Sequence[str] | Supplier[Sequence[str]] = (),
    additional_files: Sequence[Path] | Supplier[Sequence[Path]] = (),
    version_spec: str | None = None,
) -> BlackTasks:
    """Creates two black tasks, one to check and another to format. The check task will be grouped under `"lint"`
    whereas the format task will be grouped under `"fmt"`.

    :param version_spec: If specified, the Black tool will be installed as a PEX and does not need to be installed
        into the Python project's virtual env.

    project = project or Project.current()

    if version_spec is not None:
        black_bin = pex_build(
            "black", requirements=[f"black{version_spec}"], console_script="black", project=project
        black_bin = Supplier.of("black")

    check_task = project.task(f"{name}.check", BlackTask, group="lint")
    check_task.black_bin = black_bin
    check_task.check_only = True
    check_task.config_file = config_file
    check_task.additional_args = additional_args
    check_task.additional_files = additional_files

    format_task = project.task(name, BlackTask, group="fmt")
    format_task.black_bin = black_bin
    format_task.check_only = False
    format_task.config_file = config_file
    format_task.additional_args = additional_args
    format_task.additional_files = additional_files

    return BlackTasks(check_task, format_task)


    name: str = "",
    group: str | None = "build",
    as_version: str | None = None,
    project: Project | None = None
) -> BuildTask

Creates a build task for the given project.

The build task relies on the build system configured in the Python project settings.

Source code in kraken/std/python/tasks/
def build(
    name: str = "",
    group: str | None = "build",
    as_version: str | None = None,
    project: Project | None = None,
) -> BuildTask:
    """Creates a build task for the given project.

    The build task relies on the build system configured in the Python project settings."""

    project = project or Project.current()
    task = project.task(name, BuildTask, group=group)
    task.build_system = Supplier.of_callable(lambda: python_settings(project).build_system)
    task.as_version = as_version
    return task


    name: str = "python.flake8",
    project: Project | None = None,
    config_file: Path | Supplier[Path] | None = None,
    version_spec: str | None = None,
    additional_requirements: Sequence[str] = ()
) -> Flake8Task

Creates a task for linting your Python project with Flake8.

:param version_spec: If specified, the Flake8 tool will be installed as a PEX and does not need to be installed into the Python project's virtual env.

Source code in kraken/std/python/tasks/
def flake8(
    name: str = "python.flake8",
    project: Project | None = None,
    config_file: Path | Supplier[Path] | None = None,
    version_spec: str | None = None,
    additional_requirements: Sequence[str] = (),
) -> Flake8Task:
    """Creates a task for linting your Python project with Flake8.

    :param version_spec: If specified, the Flake8 tool will be installed as a PEX and does not need to be installed
        into the Python project's virtual env.

    project = project or Project.current()

    if version_spec is not None:
        flake8_bin = pex_build(
            requirements=[f"flake8{version_spec}", *additional_requirements],
        flake8_bin = Supplier.of("flake8")

    task = project.task(name, Flake8Task, group="lint")
    task.flake8_bin = flake8_bin
    if config_file is not None:
        task.config_file = config_file
    return task


    value: str | GitVersion, include_sha: bool
) -> str

Converts a Git version to a Python version.

:param value: The Git version to convert. :param sha: Include the SHA of the commit distance if it exists.

Source code in kraken/std/python/
def git_version_to_python_version(value: str | GitVersion, include_sha: bool) -> str:
    """Converts a Git version to a Python version.

    :param value: The Git version to convert.
    :param sha: Include the SHA of the commit distance if it exists.

    version = GitVersion.parse(value) if isinstance(value, str) else value
    final_version = f"{version.major}.{version.minor}.{version.patch}"
    if version.pre_release:
        final_version = f"{final_version}{_PRE_RELEASE_NAMES[version.pre_release.kind]}{version.pre_release.value}"
    if version.distance:
        final_version += f"{version.distance.value}"
        if include_sha:
            final_version += f"+g{version.distance.sha}"
            if version.dirty:
                final_version += "-dirty"
    if version.dirty and "-dirty" not in final_version:
        final_version += "+dirty"
    return final_version


    project: Project | None = None,
    build_system: PythonBuildSystem | None = None
) -> InfoTask

This task displays a list of useful info on current Python and virtual environment settings.

Source code in kraken/std/python/tasks/
def info(*, project: Project | None = None, build_system: PythonBuildSystem | None = None) -> InfoTask:
    This task displays a list of useful info on current Python and virtual environment settings.

    project = project or Project.current()
    if build_system is None:
        build_system = python_settings().build_system

    task = project.task("", InfoTask)
    task.build_system = build_system
    return task


    name: str = "python.install",
    project: Project | None = None
) -> InstallTask

Get or create the python.install task for the given project.

The install task relies on the build system configured in the Python project settings.

Source code in kraken/std/python/tasks/
def install(*, name: str = "python.install", project: Project | None = None) -> InstallTask:
    """Get or create the `python.install` task for the given project.

    The install task relies on the build system configured in the Python project settings."""

    project = project or Project.current()
    task = cast(Union[InstallTask, None], project.tasks().get(name))
    if task is None:
        task = project.task(name, InstallTask)
        task.build_system = Supplier.of_callable(lambda: python_settings(project).build_system)
        task.always_use_managed_env = Supplier.of_callable(lambda: python_settings(project).always_use_managed_env)
        task.skip_if_venv_exists = Supplier.of_callable(lambda: python_settings(project).skip_install_if_venv_exists)

    return task


    name: str = "python.isort",
    project: Project | None = None,
    config_file: Path | Supplier[Path] | None = None,
    additional_files: (
        Sequence[Path] | Supplier[Sequence[Path]]
    ) = (),
    version_spec: str | None = None
) -> IsortTasks

:param version_spec: If specified, the isort tool will be installed as a PEX and does not need to be installed into the Python project's virtual env.

Source code in kraken/std/python/tasks/
def isort(
    name: str = "python.isort",
    project: Project | None = None,
    config_file: Path | Supplier[Path] | None = None,
    additional_files: Sequence[Path] | Supplier[Sequence[Path]] = (),
    version_spec: str | None = None,
) -> IsortTasks:
    :param version_spec: If specified, the isort tool will be installed as a PEX and does not need to be installed
        into the Python project's virtual env.

    # TODO (@NiklasRosenstein): We may need to ensure an order to isort and block somehow, sometimes they yield
    #       slightly different results based on the order they run.
    project = project or Project.current()

    if version_spec is not None:
        isort_bin = pex_build(
            "isort", requirements=[f"isort{version_spec}"], console_script="isort", project=project
        isort_bin = Supplier.of("isort")

    check_task = project.task(f"{name}.check", IsortTask, group="lint")
    check_task.isort_bin = isort_bin
    check_task.check_only = True
    check_task.config_file = config_file
    check_task.additional_files = additional_files

    format_task = project.task(name, IsortTask, group="fmt")
    format_task.isort_bin = isort_bin
    format_task.check_only = False
    format_task.config_file = config_file
    format_task.additional_files = additional_files

    return IsortTasks(check_task, format_task)


    name: str = "python.mypy",
    project: Project | None = None,
    config_file: Path | Supplier[Path] | None = None,
    additional_args: (
        Sequence[str] | Supplier[Sequence[str]]
    ) = (),
    check_tests: bool = True,
    use_daemon: bool = True,
    python_version: str | Supplier[str] | None = None,
    version_spec: str | None = None
) -> MypyTask

:param version_spec: If specified, the Mypy tool will be installed as a PEX and does not need to be installed into the Python project's virtual env.

Source code in kraken/std/python/tasks/
def mypy(
    name: str = "python.mypy",
    project: Project | None = None,
    config_file: Path | Supplier[Path] | None = None,
    additional_args: Sequence[str] | Supplier[Sequence[str]] = (),
    check_tests: bool = True,
    use_daemon: bool = True,
    python_version: str | Supplier[str] | None = None,
    version_spec: str | None = None,
) -> MypyTask:
    :param version_spec: If specified, the Mypy tool will be installed as a PEX and does not need to be installed
        into the Python project's virtual env.

    project = project or Project.current()

    if version_spec is not None:
        mypy_pex_bin = pex_build(
            "mypy", requirements=[f"mypy{version_spec}"], console_script="mypy", project=project
        mypy_pex_bin = None

    task = project.task(name, MypyTask, group="lint")
    task.mypy_pex_bin = mypy_pex_bin
    task.config_file = config_file
    task.additional_args = additional_args
    task.check_tests = check_tests
    task.use_daemon = use_daemon
    task.python_version = python_version
    return task


    name: str = "python.mypy.stubtest",
    project: Project | None = None,
    package: str,
    ignore_missing_stubs: bool = False,
    ignore_positional_only: bool = False,
    allowlist: Path | None = None,
    mypy_config_file: Path | None = None,
    mypy_pex_bin: Path | Property[Path] | None = None
) -> MypyStubtestTask

:param version_spec: If specified, the isort tool will be installed as a PEX and does not need to be installed into the Python project's virtual env.

Source code in kraken/std/python/tasks/
def mypy_stubtest(
    name: str = "python.mypy.stubtest",
    project: Project | None = None,
    package: str,
    ignore_missing_stubs: bool = False,
    ignore_positional_only: bool = False,
    allowlist: Path | None = None,
    mypy_config_file: Path | None = None,
    mypy_pex_bin: Path | Property[Path] | None = None,
) -> MypyStubtestTask:
    :param version_spec: If specified, the isort tool will be installed as a PEX and does not need to be installed
        into the Python project's virtual env.

    project = project or Project.current()
    task = project.task(name, MypyStubtestTask, group="lint")
    task.mypy_pex_bin = mypy_pex_bin
    task.package = package
    task.ignore_missing_stubs = ignore_missing_stubs
    task.ignore_positional_only = ignore_positional_only
    task.allowlist = allowlist
    task.mypy_config_file = mypy_config_file
    return task


    package_index: str,
    distributions: list[Path] | Property[list[Path]],
    skip_existing: bool = False,
    interactive: bool = True,
    name: str = "python.publish",
    group: str | None = "publish",
    project: Project | None = None,
    after: list[Task] | None = None,
    twine_version: str = ">=4.0.2,<5.0.0"
) -> PublishTask

Create a publish task for the specified registry.

Source code in kraken/std/python/tasks/
def publish(
    package_index: str,
    distributions: list[Path] | Property[list[Path]],
    skip_existing: bool = False,
    interactive: bool = True,
    name: str = "python.publish",
    group: str | None = "publish",
    project: Project | None = None,
    after: list[Task] | None = None,
    twine_version: str = ">=4.0.2,<5.0.0",
) -> PublishTask:
    """Create a publish task for the specified registry."""

    project = project or Project.current()
    settings = python_settings(project)
    if package_index not in settings.package_indexes:
        raise ValueError(f"package index {package_index!r} is not defined")

    twine_bin = pex_build(
        "twine", requirements=[f"twine{twine_version}"], console_script="twine", project=project

    index = settings.package_indexes[package_index]
    task = project.task(name, PublishTask, group=group)
    task.twine_bin = twine_bin
    task.index_upload_url = index.upload_url
    task.index_credentials = index.credentials
    task.distributions = distributions
    task.skip_existing = skip_existing
    task.interactive = interactive
    task.depends_on(*(after or []))
    return task


    name: str = "python.pycln",
    project: Project | None = None,
    version_spec: str | None = None
) -> PyclnTasks

Creates two pycln tasks, one to check and another to format. The check task will be grouped under "lint" whereas the format task will be grouped under "fmt".

:param version_spec: If specified, the pycln tool will be installed as a PEX and does not need to be installed into the Python project's virtual env.

Source code in kraken/std/python/tasks/
def pycln(*, name: str = "python.pycln", project: Project | None = None, version_spec: str | None = None) -> PyclnTasks:
    """Creates two pycln tasks, one to check and another to format. The check task will be grouped under `"lint"`
    whereas the format task will be grouped under `"fmt"`.

    :param version_spec: If specified, the pycln tool will be installed as a PEX and does not need to be installed
        into the Python project's virtual env.

    project = project or Project.current()
    if version_spec is not None:
        pycln_bin = pex_build(
            "pycln", requirements=[f"pycln{version_spec}"], console_script="pycln", project=project
        pycln_bin = Supplier.of("pycln")

    check_task = project.task(f"{name}.check", PyclnTask, group="lint")
    check_task.pycln_bin = pycln_bin
    check_task.check_only = True
    format_task = project.task(name, PyclnTask, group="fmt")
    format_task.pycln_bin = pycln_bin
    return PyclnTasks(check_task, format_task)


    name: str = "python.pylint",
    project: Project | None = None,
    config_file: Path | Supplier[Path] | None = None,
    additional_args: (
        Sequence[str] | Property[Sequence[str]]
    ) = (),
    version_spec: str | None = None
) -> PylintTask

:param version_spec: If specified, the pylint tool will be installed as a PEX and does not need to be installed into the Python project's virtual env.

Source code in kraken/std/python/tasks/
def pylint(
    name: str = "python.pylint",
    project: Project | None = None,
    config_file: Path | Supplier[Path] | None = None,
    additional_args: Sequence[str] | Property[Sequence[str]] = (),
    version_spec: str | None = None,
) -> PylintTask:
    :param version_spec: If specified, the pylint tool will be installed as a PEX and does not need to be installed
        into the Python project's virtual env.

    project = project or Project.current()
    if version_spec is not None:
        pylint_bin = pex_build(
            "pylint", requirements=[f"pylint{version_spec}"], console_script="pylint", project=project
        pylint_bin = Supplier.of("pylint")

    task = project.task(name, PylintTask, group="lint")
    task.pylint_bin = pylint_bin
    task.config_file = config_file
    task.additional_args = additional_args
    return task


    project: Project | None = None,
    build_system: PythonBuildSystem | None = None,
    source_directory: str | Path | None = None,
    tests_directory: str | Path | None = None,
    lint_enforced_directories: (
        list[str | Path] | None
    ) = None,
    always_use_managed_env: bool | None = None,
    skip_install_if_venv_exists: bool | None = None,
) -> PythonSettings

Read the Python settings for the given or current project and optionally update attributes.

:param project: The project to get the settings for. If not specified, the current project will be used. :environment_handler: If specified, set the :attr:PythonSettings.environment_handler. If a string is specified, the following values are currently supported: "poetry". :param source_directory: The source directory. Defaults to "src". :param tests_directory: The tests directory. Automatically determined if left empty. :param lint_enforced_directories: Any extra directories containing Python files, e.g. bin/, scripts/, and examples/, to be linted alongside the source and tests directories.

Source code in kraken/std/python/
def python_settings(
    project: Project | None = None,
    build_system: PythonBuildSystem | None = None,
    source_directory: str | Path | None = None,
    tests_directory: str | Path | None = None,
    lint_enforced_directories: list[str | Path] | None = None,
    always_use_managed_env: bool | None = None,
    skip_install_if_venv_exists: bool | None = None,
) -> PythonSettings:
    """Read the Python settings for the given or current project and optionally update attributes.

    :param project: The project to get the settings for. If not specified, the current project will be used.
    :environment_handler: If specified, set the :attr:`PythonSettings.environment_handler`. If a string is specified,
        the following values are currently supported: `"poetry"`.
    :param source_directory: The source directory. Defaults to `"src"`.
    :param tests_directory: The tests directory. Automatically determined if left empty.
    :param lint_enforced_directories: Any extra directories containing Python files, e.g. bin/, scripts/, and
        examples/, to be linted alongside the source and tests directories.

    project = project or Project.current()
    settings = project.find_metadata(PythonSettings)
    if settings is None:
        settings = PythonSettings(project)

    if build_system is None and settings.build_system is None:
        # Autodetect the environment handler.
        build_system = detect_build_system(
        if build_system:
  "Detected Python build system %r for %s", type(build_system).__name__, project)

    if build_system is not None:
        if settings.build_system:
                "overwriting existing PythonSettings.environment_handler=%r with %r",
        settings.build_system = build_system

    if source_directory is not None:
        settings.source_directory = Path(source_directory)

    if tests_directory is not None:
        settings.tests_directory = Path(tests_directory)

    if lint_enforced_directories is not None:
        dirs = []
        for directory in lint_enforced_directories:
            directory_path = Path(directory)
            if not directory_path.exists():
                logger.debug(f"skipping specified lint enforced directory {directory_path} as it does not exist")
            elif not directory_path.is_dir():
                logger.warning(f"skipping specified lint enforced directory {directory_path} as it is not a directory")
        settings.lint_enforced_directories = dirs

    if always_use_managed_env is not None:
        settings.always_use_managed_env = True

    if skip_install_if_venv_exists is not None:
        settings.skip_install_if_venv_exists = skip_install_if_venv_exists

    return settings


    name: str = "python.pyupgrade",
    project: Project | None = None,
    exclude: Collection[Path] = (),
    exclude_patterns: Collection[str] = (),
    keep_runtime_typing: bool = False,
    python_version: str = "3",
    additional_files: Sequence[Path] = (),
    version_spec: str | None = None
) -> PyUpgradeTasks

:param version_spec: If specified, the pyupgrade tool will be installed as a PEX and does not need to be installed into the Python project's virtual env.

Source code in kraken/std/python/tasks/
def pyupgrade(
    name: str = "python.pyupgrade",
    project: Project | None = None,
    exclude: Collection[Path] = (),
    exclude_patterns: Collection[str] = (),
    keep_runtime_typing: bool = False,
    python_version: str = "3",
    additional_files: Sequence[Path] = (),
    version_spec: str | None = None,
) -> PyUpgradeTasks:
    :param version_spec: If specified, the pyupgrade tool will be installed as a PEX and does not need to be installed
        into the Python project's virtual env.

    project = project or Project.current()

    if version_spec is not None:
        pyupgrade_bin = pex_build(
            "pyupgrade", requirements=[f"pyupgrade{version_spec}"], console_script="pyupgrade", project=project
        pyupgrade_bin = Supplier.of("pyupgrade")

    settings = python_settings(project)

    directories = list(additional_files)
    directories.append( / settings.source_directory)
    test_directory = settings.get_tests_directory()
    if test_directory is not None:
        directories.append( / test_directory)
    files = {f.resolve() for p in directories for f in Path(p).glob("**/*.py")}
    exclude = [e.resolve() for e in exclude]
    filtered_files = [
        for f in files
        if not any(f.is_relative_to(i) for i in exclude) and not any(f.match(p) for p in exclude_patterns)

    check_task = project.task(f"{name}.check", PyUpgradeCheckTask, group="lint")
    check_task.pyupgrade_bin = pyupgrade_bin
    check_task.additional_files = filtered_files
    check_task.keep_runtime_typing = keep_runtime_typing
    check_task.python_version = python_version

    format_task = project.task(name, PyUpgradeTask, group="fmt")
    format_task.pyupgrade_bin = pyupgrade_bin
    format_task.additional_files = filtered_files
    format_task.keep_runtime_typing = keep_runtime_typing
    format_task.python_version = python_version

    return PyUpgradeTasks(check_task, format_task)


    name: str = "python.update",
    group: str | None = "update",
    project: Project | None = None
) -> UpdateLockfileTask

Creates an update task for the given project.

The update task relies on the build system configured in the Python project settings.

Source code in kraken/std/python/tasks/
def update_lockfile_task(
    name: str = "python.update",
    group: str | None = "update",
    project: Project | None = None,
) -> UpdateLockfileTask:
    """Creates an update task for the given project.

    The update task relies on the build system configured in the Python project settings."""

    project = project or Project.current()
    task = project.task(name, UpdateLockfileTask, group=group)
    task.settings = python_settings(project)
    task.build_system = Supplier.of_callable(lambda: python_settings(project).build_system)
    task.pyproject_toml = / "pyproject.toml"
    return task